Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thoughts and Prayers

For those of you who may not know, I was diagnosed with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy of the left leg and ankle in 2006 following a worker's comp injury. RSD is a chronic pain condition where the nerves become damaged after a seemingly simple injury (a twisted ankle in my case), and the signaling gets stuck in the 'on' position. Once that happens, the Central Nervous System is then considered damage and there is currently no FDA-approved 'cure'. You may have heard of the people who go to Germany and get put into a coma for a week to reset the brain; that procedure is not approved here yet, though there are similar ones with the same drugs that are allowed. I will have this for the rest of my life, and I am only 23- that is a big hard knock pill for me to swallow. I have been through PT, 18 spinal nerve blocks (and counting!), a spinal cord stim trial, and so many meds I can't name them all. For more info about my disease and the treatment that the doctors are recommending (Spinal Cord Stimulator), visit the two sites below:

Brian has never known me without this disease, and he has dedicated all he has and all he is to caring for me. I am not allowed to drive, cannot work or go to school; I am an invalid. There are days I cannot get out of bed. Brian knows all of this, and yet he never complains- he washes my hair when I can't stand in the shower and have to use the shower stool, he makes me meals, he wakes up and gets me drinks at 3 am when I have cotton mouth, he drives me everywhere, I even moved in with him because he is better able to care for me than my mom is with her work schedule (we had planned to wait until after the wedding)...I could go on and on, but I think you get the point. Ask anyone who have met him, and they will tell you what a God-given gift I have in Brian.

I just wanted to give an update that we are going to court for my worker's comp case next Tuesday, Feb 3. This is not for the entire case, but to determine whether a Spinal Cord Stimulator is "medically necessary". This has been over a year in the making (I had the trial part end of October 2008, and was supposed to have the permanent surgery beginning of Dec 2008, and they denied it the day before the surgery. Ever since then, it's been a fight), and even though we have the medical data and doctor backing we need, it's not guaranteed. If they deny this on Feb 3, it's a final decision and I cannot dispute it- so the court date and possible outcomes are weighing heavily on me.

Right now, this is the only procedure that will offer me relief that I can hope for (ketamine infusions, the drug they use in the Germany comas, are an option, but the doctor who does them, Dr. Schwartzman out of Drexel, is the world's leading expert in my disease and has a waiting list of over 2 years. My current appointment date with him is end of January 2012!). It's not ideal, but nothing regarding what I have is, so this is what I am hoping for to help me live pain-free.

I do have to say, this has been a learning experience for me. I struggled for many months after being denied the surgery- it was my dream that I could walk down the aisle without support of a person/cane/crutches/wheel
chair, and it seemed to me that they stole the 'beauty' of my day right out from under me. I have grown though- and learned that that's not what it's about at all. Coming to the realization that if Brian will love me sick, he will love me well was one that was difficult for me (I believe he deserves so much better, he's dedicated his life at 23 to taking care of an invalid and has never once made a derogatory or hurtful comment about it and now I am crying...). Nevertheless, I am happy to say that whether I walk down the aisle with a (very jazzed up and decorated) cane or without aide, the outcome will be the same, and that is all that matters. The walk back down and the first dance with no pain would be icing on the cake, but it's not going to make or break our special day.

It’s also been a growing process for me in other ways, not just in wedding planning. Brian and I made the decision to attend pre-marital counseling (outside of what our church requires with a Christian counselor who specializes in this) because we realize the strain that this could have on us and our relationship, and we want to be as prepared as a couple can be for whatever life throws at them. I HIGHLY recommend all engaged couples attend separate pre-marital counseling from what their church may require (no matter the denomination); consider it ‘fireproofing’ your marriage.

But in other ways, too, I have changed. I try my hardest to let go of things and give them to God (my faith has been amazingly strengthened during all of this), and that has become much easier as time has gone on. I try to find the good in things; Ma Ingalls from Little House on the Prairie once said, “There is no great loss without some small gain”, and I try to find that small gain in everything I do. It has helped tremendously to see and appreciate the little things (like going for random ice cream with friends and laughing for over an hour!). I have learned to accept where I have gone wrong and try to right that wrong as best I can- I realized that if I can apologize and try to make that first step where someone else may not, my relationships with everyone in my life have improved dramatically. I try (still learning on this one) to not stress about it all; God will make it work. Most of all, I have learned the power of prayer and the wonder of my faith. While the response to those prayers may not be what I want to hear, God is always with me and has many bigger and better things in mind for me. I get very happy (not proud, but genuinely happy) when I see the growth I have made in my life and in my relationships and in my faith. I realize I still have a very far way to go, and that it's a never-ending journey of growth, but this time has been such an eye-opener for me. I have found out that family, no matter if they mess up, love you and will try their best to always be there for you. I have learned the bonds of sisterhood (both real and relationship-wise!) cannot be broken, no matter how much you or someone else you know tries. I have learned who my true friends are, and feel so welcomed and loved by the heartfelt emotions that comes of a great friendship. I have learned that reconnecting with great friends lost along the way is a marvelous thing in and of itself, but rebuilding that relationship that once meant so much is a glorious and awe-inspiring thing, indeed. I have learned the wonders of prayer and a church family, and cannot thank God and those from that family enough for their gentle loving and guidance. Even with being sick, I feel so extraordinarily blessed- thank you so very, very much to those who have played an important role in my life.

Therefore, anyway, if y'all could offer up some prayers, thoughts, and vibes for me, it would be very greatly appreciated. I know I haven't always been the easiest person to get along with, and I realize that; if we have had our differences, please, take this as a sincere apology. I have learned the bitterness and poison of hatred and the sting of bitterness, and I have learned that life is so much better with an apology, a smile, and wiping the slate clean. You all are wonderful. If anyone has any questions, please, feel free to email me and ask away-

If I forgot to tag you, I am sorry. It does not mean, in anyway, that you are not important. I went through the list and tried to get everyone as best I could. There are so many of you who are very important, and I love you just as much!

Annnnnd enough of the sappiness. Back to business as usual!

Friday, January 22, 2010

When it rains, it pours.

Oy Vey.  Does it ever...

I told you about my "problem" with my bachelorette party (not really a problem, as we can always replan.  More like a disappointment).  Well, in addition to the stress of dealing with that, I now I have to deal with Court.  Yes, Court.

Apparently, I have court scheduled for February 3rd.  I won't go into details, because it's just too much.  Either way, it doesn't change the fact that I didn't know, court is in less than 2 weeks, and I am stressed beyond belief.  Add in the health care issue (ie me trying to get full coverage), well, my anxiety level is sky high.

Thank God for Brian.  I don't know what I would do without his support and love.  He is determined to stick this out by my side, and for that I am eternally grateful.  He is my blessing from Heaven and the Father above, no doubt.

Tonight he took me to the mall.  I got all dolled up (which I don't do often at all!), and we went browsing.  Well it was a good thing we did, because we got some great news.  Not only did I have a $15 gift card to spend at Sephora (where the eye shadows I wanted were only $7!!!), but we also went to Coach to check out the cracking on my purse.  They told me they could send it away to try and have it fixed, but because it's more than a year old, there was no guarantee.  Now, I love my Coach purse.  I don't really have any other "loves" in life- I can't wear shoes that aren't up to standard and I am not huge into jewelry.  I do love my handbags, though.  And I use them-and use them hard.  They certainly don't sit in a closet somewhere gathering dust. 

When I heard that there was no guarantee, I hesitated about sending it away- I love my purse!  But then she gave me glorious news- if I don't send it away and 'deal with it (the breaking)', then Coach will offer me 40% off any one object in the store (since their products are supposed to withstand the test of time).  I have been asking for a nice leather purse for a while now, and Brian has hinted at one for my birthday.  Now, though, it seems inevitable- I can't pass up a deal like that!  I told him that he could combine birthday and Valentine's Day, and maybe go halfers with my mom.  We will see.  He knows which one I love.  I may call the outlet store and maybe check there as well, just to see if we can get a better deal.  Who knows? 

After walking the mall, we met up with two of my girlfriends (and one of their husbands) for ice cream.  I love these girls- they are so supportive, so sweet, and such strong examples of women.  I am so happy they were brought into my life, and I can't wait to see where life takes our relationships.  After being burned by a former friend who essentially used me for her own benefits and discarded me when I no longer suited her needs, having some true friends who ginually care for me is a wonderful and enlightening thing.

We had a riot while eating ice cream- we laughed and laughed, then laughed some more.  I love simple moments like that.  It doesn't take alot of money for the thing in life that really matter.  A few dollars, a bowl of ice cream, and a great group of friends is one of those things that make it all worth it.  While there are others out there who thing it takes expensive things (like expensive jewelry and cars) and expensive experiences, those are the ones who will not only never learn the true meaning of happiness, but they will be miserable in all relationships of life, including marriage.  I pity those who don't know true happiness- it's a wonderful gift in life.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hidden blessings

With the Haiti earthquake's devestation a week old, there are much questions about what will be done now that the full magnitude of everything is being understood..  What can we do at home?  When will the supplies offered up by so many countries be delivered to the people?  Will they continue to look for survivors, or does it turn into body retrival at this juncture?  How will we, as a nation and as a world, make sure that this type of devestation doesn't occur again- both here, in Haiti, and around the world?  The questions seem endless, while answers are in short supply.

It boggles my mind that it took this- a magnitude 7.0 earthquake in the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere- for the world (and subsequently us Americans) to sit up and take notice.  The fact that these people lived in turmoil before this does not play heavy on most people's hearts, and that (for me), is terrifying.  Where did compassion, grace, forgiveness, charity, love for one's neighbor- where did they all go?  So many people are cleaning out their clothes to donate to the relief effort, or are writing donation checks to the Red Cross and Lutheran World Relief (the second largest relief agency in the world behind the Red Cross).  Why weren't these things being done sooner?  Why does it take such tragedy to wake us up?

Please, do not misunderstand me- I am in no way discouraging you from helping out our neighbors, our sisters and brothers in Christ, down in Haiti.  If you have already donated, volunteered in some way, or helped as best you could, I commend you.  If not, I urge you to help.  I think what shocks me most about this situation is the hardening of our hearts (especially Americans) to the world around us.

We are so fortunate, in so many ways!  Hidden blessings, indeed.  Food in your tummy, clothes on your back, a roof over your head.  If you have these things, then you are fortunate.  I don't want to hear about not having the latest designer label clothes or shoes.  Shut up about not having that Coach or D&B bag.  I don't give a crap that you don't have an iPhone, or a nice car, or all that other stuff our greedy country has become so 'dependent' on.  You don't need it!  Take a look at the world around you- at the homeless vets on the street, the children sleeping in the cold, the starving and dying mothers and fathers around the world.  And yet, we sit here and complain. 

Please, don't ever forget your hidden blessings.  Whenever Brian and I say goodbye (whether he is going to work, I am going to girls night, or wherever), we always say "I love you" to each other.  He is the greatest blessing in my life, and I try to portray that to him in every moment we are together.  If that moment happens to be our last together, I don't want to spend it arguing, but telling him how very much I am thankful for him.  I am sure we each have hidden blessings in our lives- relationships, pets, church and real families, on and on.  Thank God for them every day!

Matthew 25:31-46 tells us the story of what will happen to those during the Final Judgement.  When you feed, or clothe, or love your neighbor, you are doing so to Christ as well.  Don't just stand there and pass them by!  You can help right in your own community in addition to helping out around the world.  Yes, giving money is easy.  Why not take it a step further?  Volunteer at a meal kitchen- The Sunday Breakfast Mission in Wilmington is a GREAT oppurtunity to learn and help.  Organize a food or clothing drive- The Food Bank of Delaware would greatly appreciate it.  Spend time playing games in the evening with homeless families and children- I know Family Promise of New Castle County would love to have your help.

And please, consider donating to either the American Red Cross or to Lutheran World Relief.  Both organizations are down in Haiti right now, helping and praying right alongside the world.  They need your help, too.  What do you have to lose?  $10 that could save someone's life?  Do you really need that tee shirt from Forever 21?

To help, text "Haiti" to 90999 to donate $10 to the American Red Cross.  Text "LWR" to 40579 to donate $10 to Lutheran World Relief.  All money goes directly to help Haiti, and the charge is placed onto your cell phone bill.

Friday, January 15, 2010

It keeps getting better...or so I thought.

Booked the salon and the DJ, AND called all the hotels and got rates for them all! Now we can decide on the best ones for our guests, and book a block!

Getting the salon was a b!tch, I will tell ya that. I have been trying for the past 6 months to get ahold of their wedding coordinator, and have not had any of the 3 phone calls returned. It wasn't until I called the 4th time and asked to speak to manager, where I then threatened to go to another salon, that they finally started taking me seriously. The bridal coordinator finally called me back, took all my info and items down and put us in the system. When I asked pricing, she said that the bridal page on the website was up to date, except for her name (the new coordinator). She said she would mail out the packet of info so that we could make the required deposits. Well, on the page it said that deposits were due a week after booking your appointments. Of course, a week rolled around, and I don't have the packet- which has all the info I need. I was furious. I called up and asked for a manager again, and explained why I was so irritated and ready to take my business elsewhere. My mom and I are both clients there, and I wanted to make sure I booked our stylist (Jeremy, who is AWESOME!) because he is pretty popular. I also wanted to budget and be able to have all this taken care of if something happens with me. I told them I understand the post office says 7-10 days for mail, but at this point, I am so irritated that I am ready to cancel and go somewhere else. Well, I guess Jeremy stepped in at this point- he doesn't want to lose clients! When the manager finally called me back, and I explained that the bridal coordinator said everything online was up to date, and why I was irritated, they were very apologetic (again), and this time, offered to comp my trial hair and makeup! Hopefully, this will be the end of the drama with the salon...

The drama continues though, in the form of my bachelorette party. At this point, I am really feeling that I can't catch a break with this wedding- it's surrounded by drama, and I am very hurt by much of what has happened. I have lost one bridesmaid because of her greedy and selfish attitude, another bridesmaid because of her temper and nasty mouth/words, the salon, etc. It's just been very painful for Brian and I- it's like everyone's attitude is that they are more important and that our wedding (and subsequently our marriage) just does not matter. I am not asking for loads of attention, but I am asking for the respect that other brides are given when it comes to their wedding.

Since I can't trust certain people who read this, I won't go into details here; it seems everything I do is labeled as a lie, so instead of putting the truth out there for the world to see, I will give it to those who care.  If you want to know, feel free to leave your email.  Since grown ups can't act like adults, it will have to stay this way.  Once those people learn to leave it alone (yeah, 'cause they are soooo perfect themselves with their facebook comments), then maybe I will post the full story.  Oh and one more thing.  Once you turn 18, you are considered an adult.  So stop having Mommy and Daddy fight your battles for you, and pick up the phone and call yourself if you are so concerned.  If you aren't, that's fine- then tell your Mommy and Daddy to stay the heck out of your business, when it doesn't involve them one iota.

I will say this- it's coming to the point that if Brian and I are not starting to be respected as a couple, people are getting cut from the guest list. I don't want to do that, but when I have close friends who support me and love us as a couple, and they can't attend because the b!tches in my family are invited just because they are family... something is gonna give here, and soon. I don't care about etiquette at this point. My happiness with Brian, and our happiness as a couple, are what matters- and if you don't care, then get out.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Wedding Plans and Updates

It is a wedding blog, after all...

Let's see, where do I begin? How about with the little tidbit of info that oh, Brittany has majorly slacked off of wedding planning and now has a mountain instead of a mole hill?

Yes, I know. I am a slacker. I readily admit that. Even here, I am a slacker, for sure. And now, I have to get on the ball, since it's 2010, I AM GETTING MARRIED THIS YEAR. Yes, THIS YEAR. In less than NINE (9) MONTHS! Where, oh where, did the time go? I thought I had more...

Anyway, let us see. What's been done? Well, the girls chose their dresses. They haven't been ordered yet, but they have all chosen something that is long, satin, and that they are most comfortable in. I told my girls I didn't care if it was separates, gown, strapless, sleeved...I just wanted them comfortable. Thank God I went that route, because everyone chose a different dress. All the dresses are from Alfred Angelo; Meghan and Kelly will be in Cobalt Blue (the same color as my train), and Val will be in Black. If there are any accent ribbons or sashes, they will be in White on all dresses.

Meg, my Maid of Honor, chose a two piece (yes, MEGHAN chose the two piece...MEGHAN, who swore from the get go she would only get a slinky one piece because the separates were for oldies. HA!). Here is a picture of what Meg is wearing (with a slightly different skirt). I apologize for the white on white coloring, I couldn't find it in a different color set. Note the tux points at the top:

Kelly chose a gown that has thick shoulder straps and a deep V neck in the front. In the back, attached at the small of the back, is a separate flowing sash that reaches down to about her knees; since it's only attached at the small of her back, it moves freely. The gown is very becoming on Kelly, and you could tell she looked and felt very comfortable in it. We may have some extra fabric sewn into the V, if it's too low for her to be comfortable in:

Val chose a gown as well. It's strapless, with a ribbon accent underneath the bust. on the left hand side, the dress splits from the ribbon accent, and the same color is shown off between the split:

All of the girls look wonderful in their dresses, and it only took about 45 minutes to look, try, decide, and put it down on paper. We went early, and we know; Meg is away for Study Abroad for 6 weeks, and seeing as how the shop's suggested timing for ordering is while she is away, we went early and now have the paperwork ready to order. It's best that we didn't pay and order yet anyway; one of my good Knottie friends, Jackie, told me that not only does my salon (Brides and Grooms in Newark, DE) give 15% off bridesmaid dresses since I ordered my dress there, they also will price match, including online competitors. Well, you can bet your pinky toe I jotted down those numbers and am searching online for the best price. My take on it all is I asked them to be in my wedding, they didn't volunteer themselves for the time and financial burden, so any way that I can possibly save them some money, I will. I am asking them to wear silver shoes (possibly black for Val), but I am not making them buy matching dyed expensive ones; use the ones that are in your closet, don't buy a special pair for one day!

One of the vendors that I had been dreading booking is the DJ. I know, it's silly, but for me, I hated it like some girls hate dress shopping. Several months ago, I had finally contacted one that was in our price range and was recommended by knotties. Unfortunately, the paperwork got lost during the move, and I couldn't find it anywhere. Then my health went downhill (as it always does right before winter), and that set me back. Add in family stuff and the holidays, and well, you get the idea. So I called him today, and voila, they are still available for my date! They said it happens, and are sending me new paperwork (in the mail already). Once I get that, I can pay my deposit and have them secured. We went with Tom Barrett DJ, if anyone was wondering.

I also booked the salon today, thank God. It may seem like a silly one to book now, but since it's the salon that my mom and I use for our regular 'dos, we wanted to make sure that our stylist was available the day of. Well, it's been a hassle, that's for sure. I have spent months trying to get in touch with these people; 4 phone calls total, and only once did I get a return call (today). It wasn't until I threatened to go to another highly recommended salon that they finally sat up and took notice. I mean, it's not that hard to pass a message on and call a person back; especially one that is bringing 6+ people to your salon. Anyway, they were open for my day, and our stylist was available as well! I have seen their bridal work (my cousin got married in Sept and had her hair done there), so I know it's decent. Their prices aren't bad either, around $65-70 for updos, less for blowouts or simple dos. Considering I had seen many other salons with much higher prices, I am fine with that! Plus, since we have 5 or more people, including the bride, I get my makeup done for FREE!!! Who doesn't love FREE stuff??? I plan on also doing a hair trial, and while not included with the price, it is discounted once I put a deposit down on the place. Right now, it's myself, Mother of the Bride, Mother of the Groom, Meghan, Kelly, and Val. I have a feeling, though, that number is going to go up; that's another reason we booked now, so we can add as needed and they don't have to feel rushed about it.

We found some minor things, too, which I am actually really happy about. When my mom and I were at AC Moore the other day, we went through their "outlet" aisle (the get-rid-of-it-rack). They had the little cones that fold up to put candy inside on the rack, and they were really pretty; they were covered in pretty fabric-like material and had metallic gold accents on them. There were 12 in a pack, marked down from $13 to $1! I showed them to mom, and mentioned that we needed some sort of favor for the Bridal Shower; every other one we have been to had them, even if they were just little (albeit useful) items. I said I don't care about them matching; hand them out as everyone leaves, and no one will notice. So we got 48 cones (half in red half in brown) for $4. Yay!! They also had a "Bridal Shower" kit there; it had enough pages that each guest could do one as an activity at the party (we aren't fans of shower games). It came with stickers and accents and such, and we provide the markers and photos. It was originally $17, and we got it for $2! Such steals! Finally, they had a whole bunch of invitation stuff for 50% off, including a whole stash of Thank You cards in a variety of colors and accents; they were really pretty cards. I showed them to mom, who said I should get the Thank You cards to match my invites. I said that costs a lot, no one is going to notice, and I also need them for shower gifts. There were 20 cards in a pack, and they ended up being $3 a pack; we got 100 cards for $15. Not as great as the other steals, but good enough!

While at AC Moore, we were talking about ideas for favors and activities for the kids. Yes, we are having kids; if you or your sibling is in the Bridal Party, you are invited. That leaves us with 8 kids: Logan, Macey, Aubrey, Torey, Sadey, Sheenie, Devin, and Nate. Well, we had planned on doing several things to keep them occupied, as most of them will be in the younger ranges (13 down to 5). We are doing their table in butcher paper, and supplying crayons to color with during dinner. We will also probably do a table near the back covered in paper with coloring sheets on them. We would also like to do Legos, either as their 'centerpiece' or on a table in the back or out in the cocktail area during the cocktail hour. We figure they will dance once the music starts, but easy ideas to keep them entertained during the non-dancing parts is a good idea. While at AC Moore, in their Dollar Deals, we found packs of 12 crayons, each with a character theme; we picked up each kid their own set of crayons that they can take home with them! Devin gets Disney's Cars, Sheenie and Sadey get Disney Princess, Torey gets Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Aubrey and Macey get Tinkerbell, and Nate gets Spiderman (we plan on getting Logan something a bit more age appropriate). Now, we don't have to get the kids favors, and we got them the crayons to color with as well :)

Brian's dad has agreed to do the videographer and rehearsal dinner; since he teaches in the Business and Hospitality College at UD, we are pretty sure that he can get us Vita Nova for our dinner (that's a restaurant run by the Hotel Restaurant Management major down there, and juniors in the program are required to work there). And since he has contacts through the college for film and video students (they hire the best film students every year to shoot their commercials and ads for prospective students), we are hoping to get someone who won't charge us an arm and leg for decent work.

There is some other minor stuff we have done, but I am really trying to get the ball rolling by doing something little every day. A couple girlfriends are helping me out with what seems to be the overwhelming mountain load (thanks Nicole, Janel, and Kim!!!), and they are lifesavers because of it! Tomorrow I plan on pricing out hotels for our guests, and hopefully ordering Save The Dates from VistaPrint (or at least designing them!).

I will do a post later on about general life, but for now, that gives you the idea of where we are :) I will introduce you to the new love of my life (teehee) in the next post!