It boggles my mind that it took this- a magnitude 7.0 earthquake in the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere- for the world (and subsequently us Americans) to sit up and take notice. The fact that these people lived in turmoil before this does not play heavy on most people's hearts, and that (for me), is terrifying. Where did compassion, grace, forgiveness, charity, love for one's neighbor- where did they all go? So many people are cleaning out their clothes to donate to the relief effort, or are writing donation checks to the Red Cross and Lutheran World Relief (the second largest relief agency in the world behind the Red Cross). Why weren't these things being done sooner? Why does it take such tragedy to wake us up?
Please, do not misunderstand me- I am in no way discouraging you from helping out our neighbors, our sisters and brothers in Christ, down in Haiti. If you have already donated, volunteered in some way, or helped as best you could, I commend you. If not, I urge you to help. I think what shocks me most about this situation is the hardening of our hearts (especially Americans) to the world around us.
We are so fortunate, in so many ways! Hidden blessings, indeed. Food in your tummy, clothes on your back, a roof over your head. If you have these things, then you are fortunate. I don't want to hear about not having the latest designer label clothes or shoes. Shut up about not having that Coach or D&B bag. I don't give a crap that you don't have an iPhone, or a nice car, or all that other stuff our greedy country has become so 'dependent' on. You don't need it! Take a look at the world around you- at the homeless vets on the street, the children sleeping in the cold, the starving and dying mothers and fathers around the world. And yet, we sit here and complain.
Please, don't ever forget your hidden blessings. Whenever Brian and I say goodbye (whether he is going to work, I am going to girls night, or wherever), we always say "I love you" to each other. He is the greatest blessing in my life, and I try to portray that to him in every moment we are together. If that moment happens to be our last together, I don't want to spend it arguing, but telling him how very much I am thankful for him. I am sure we each have hidden blessings in our lives- relationships, pets, church and real families, on and on. Thank God for them every day!
Matthew 25:31-46 tells us the story of what will happen to those during the Final Judgement. When you feed, or clothe, or love your neighbor, you are doing so to Christ as well. Don't just stand there and pass them by! You can help right in your own community in addition to helping out around the world. Yes, giving money is easy. Why not take it a step further? Volunteer at a meal kitchen- The Sunday Breakfast Mission in Wilmington is a GREAT oppurtunity to learn and help. Organize a food or clothing drive- The Food Bank of Delaware would greatly appreciate it. Spend time playing games in the evening with homeless families and children- I know Family Promise of New Castle County would love to have your help.
And please, consider donating to either the American Red Cross or to Lutheran World Relief. Both organizations are down in Haiti right now, helping and praying right alongside the world. They need your help, too. What do you have to lose? $10 that could save someone's life? Do you really need that tee shirt from Forever 21?
To help, text "Haiti" to 90999 to donate $10 to the American Red Cross. Text "LWR" to 40579 to donate $10 to Lutheran World Relief. All money goes directly to help Haiti, and the charge is placed onto your cell phone bill.
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