Booked the salon and the DJ, AND called all the hotels and got rates for them all! Now we can decide on the best ones for our guests, and book a block!
Getting the salon was a b!tch, I will tell ya that. I have been trying for the past 6 months to get ahold of their wedding coordinator, and have not had any of the 3 phone calls returned. It wasn't until I called the 4th time and asked to speak to manager, where I then threatened to go to another salon, that they finally started taking me seriously. The bridal coordinator finally called me back, took all my info and items down and put us in the system. When I asked pricing, she said that the bridal page on the website was up to date, except for her name (the new coordinator). She said she would mail out the packet of info so that we could make the required deposits. Well, on the page it said that deposits were due a week after booking your appointments. Of course, a week rolled around, and I don't have the packet- which has all the info I need. I was furious. I called up and asked for a manager again, and explained why I was so irritated and ready to take my business elsewhere. My mom and I are both clients there, and I wanted to make sure I booked our stylist (Jeremy, who is AWESOME!) because he is pretty popular. I also wanted to budget and be able to have all this taken care of if something happens with me. I told them I understand the post office says 7-10 days for mail, but at this point, I am so irritated that I am ready to cancel and go somewhere else. Well, I guess Jeremy stepped in at this point- he doesn't want to lose clients! When the manager finally called me back, and I explained that the bridal coordinator said everything online was up to date, and why I was irritated, they were very apologetic (again), and this time, offered to comp my trial hair and makeup! Hopefully, this will be the end of the drama with the salon...
The drama continues though, in the form of my bachelorette party. At this point, I am really feeling that I can't catch a break with this wedding- it's surrounded by drama, and I am very hurt by much of what has happened. I have lost one bridesmaid because of her greedy and selfish attitude, another bridesmaid because of her temper and nasty mouth/words, the salon, etc. It's just been very painful for Brian and I- it's like everyone's attitude is that they are more important and that our wedding (and subsequently our marriage) just does not matter. I am not asking for loads of attention, but I am asking for the respect that other brides are given when it comes to their wedding.
Since I can't trust certain people who read this, I won't go into details here; it seems everything I do is labeled as a lie, so instead of putting the truth out there for the world to see, I will give it to those who care. If you want to know, feel free to leave your email. Since grown ups can't act like adults, it will have to stay this way. Once those people learn to leave it alone (yeah, 'cause they are soooo perfect themselves with their facebook comments), then maybe I will post the full story. Oh and one more thing. Once you turn 18, you are considered an adult. So stop having Mommy and Daddy fight your battles for you, and pick up the phone and call yourself if you are so concerned. If you aren't, that's fine- then tell your Mommy and Daddy to stay the heck out of your business, when it doesn't involve them one iota.
I will say this- it's coming to the point that if Brian and I are not starting to be respected as a couple, people are getting cut from the guest list. I don't want to do that, but when I have close friends who support me and love us as a couple, and they can't attend because the b!tches in my family are invited just because they are family... something is gonna give here, and soon. I don't care about etiquette at this point. My happiness with Brian, and our happiness as a couple, are what matters- and if you don't care, then get out.
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