Monday, June 8, 2009

I will do my best

Brian and I are active in many different organizations together; it's how we like to spend our time together.

We very active with our Church, St. Philip's Lutheran in Wilmington (AWESOME church- if you are looking for a church home, you definitely need to stop by on a Sunday at 8 am or 10:30 am for worship!). Both Brian and I are youth group leaders for the middle and high school youth- it's a passion of ours, spending time making a difference in these kids' lives. Now, when they are adolescents, is the time that their faith needs not only to be planted, but nurtured as well. These kids are NOT the future of the church; they ARE the church! This is the time in their lives when they are the most vulnerable, and having a safe place where they are cared about, and their faith belief system is reinforced, is essential to their present and their future. In addition to being youth leaders together, Brian teaches the high school boys' Sunday School class. It an innovated design, where they take the Bible lessons from that time period, study them, and then incorporate them into a carpentry design. They have studied Exodus and Moses, and built a replica of the Ark of the Covenant as a result, including all of the belongings inside. They studied Mary and Joseph in the Gospels, and then proceeded to build a manger for use during the Christmas Eve Pagant. Then, for Lent, they studied Peter, and build 150 puzzle crosses (5 pieces in each cross; one for each week in Lent) to give as gifts to each family in the congregation on Easter. They had only 5 left over at the end of the day! It's amazing to be an integral part of these youth's lives, and to watch their faith take firm root and flourish.

Also, Brian and I are active in the Boy Scouts- more specifically, the Venturing aspect of it. If you don't know what Venturing is, here's a quick synopsis: It's the co-ed (yes, GIRLS are allowed in Venturing!) program for youth up to the age of 21, that is geared towards a "focus", and that focus can be anything the Crew (the unit that the youth belong to) decides it wants to be. It's very youth led, as the rest of BSA is. Just so you know, the whole reason I got pulled into this whole gig is Brian's family is HUGE into Scouting- Brian has his Eagle, his brother is working on his, and his parents have been active since Brian started as a 1st grader (the youngest you can start). Brian and I currently volunteer on the District Committee (the level above the crews/troops), trying to implement more Crews in the area- the Eastern Shore is not known for having much Venturing activity, and Brian and I believe that it's time to change that. At the same time, we are trying to get a Crew at St. Philip's up and running; so if you are a girl or guy under 21, and want to really have some fun (ropes courses and white water rafting, anyone?), feel free to contact us for more info on meetings and such!

Before I got really sick, we liked to go rock climbing together- well, more I sat there and watched after climbing once, but it's a bunch of fun. Also, we are really into watching TV series- specifically The Duggars (it's a weird fascination of mine), and Big Love (oh em gee, love that show!).

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